Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Host Organization

I've mentioned before that my Host Organization and primary project is a COSDEC (Community Skills Development Center). Here is a little bit more information about it:

COSDECs are vocational skills training centers. There are 9 centers located throughout Namibia. All of the centers are governed by the COSDEF (Community Skills Development Foundation). The mission of these COSDECs is "to provide focused, practical skills training that incorporates business skills, entrepreneurship, and life skills and to relate the training programs to opportunities in the local economy in terms of demand for goods and services." The target market are unemployed youth and school drop-outs, and the very inexpensive course offerings attract this market. A typical course is 7 months long with a 3 month job attachment, and the total cost for a course of this length is only $700 Namibian. The courses are offered at such a subsidized cost thanks to significant outside funding.

The particular COSDEC that is my Host Organization is COSDEC Mahetago located in the township of Mondesa, Swakopmund. The current courses that are offered to trainees include:

  • Basic Welding & Fabrication
  • Basic Joinery & Cabinet Making
  • Basic Plumbing & Pipefitting
  • Basic Bricklaying & Plastering
  • Basic Office Administration & Computing
  • Basic Food Preparation & Serving
  • Basic Clothing Design

I will not be working directly with any of these courses. Instead I will be working with the center's new Business Development Center (BDC). The BDC has 3 main functions: 1) incubation units, 2) business courses, and 3) mentoring. The BDC will also offer the community a resource center with computers, printing, and other business resources. 

My main responsibilities will be to assist in developing the BDC's activities in a professional and sustainable manner. Sustainability is essential, especially considering that I am a volunteer and not an employee. Any developments that I assist with at the COSDEC must be able to continue without my presence. For example, if I develop a business course on bookkeeping, the course must be able to be taught by an instructor without my help. Furthermore, if that instructor leaves, there must be sufficient documentation about the course so that a new instructor can teach the course without aid. 

So there's a little bit more detail on my work situation, but I will also be sure to continue to keep you up to date on all my projects.

Pictures of COSDEC Mahetago:

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